Wednesday, April 25, 2012

so many things...

I was blessed with a father that never took life for granted, that used every moment we had together to tell me how much he loved me & how proud he was. He had a vigor for life & a magnetic personality that was irresistible. He danced at all my middle school dances & always reminded me about the quiver of my lip that made him give me my way when I was little (He would say I couldn't tell you no baby.) He was a lover of the OSU Pokes, conversations with strangers, and food. He had a great smile & made you feel like you were pretty stinkin special. Observing & reflecting on his life has brought about so much & tonight brings me to this: As I type I hear my 3 year old playfully giggling in the bathtub & asking for more cheddar bunnies. Yes. In the bathtub he is munching on organic cheese crackers. I admit, I'm partial! I've learned in a painful way to cherish moments like this with him, that before I may not have. I know it seems mundane but I have often been reminded since dad passed that life is just that, it's life. We aren't waiting on it to happen, it IS happening today…right now, catch it because it is quickly passing by. You see this time a year in a half ago I might not be seeing life from this view but I do now. Life has changed yet it still marches on. How many times do we cut our loved ones conversations or experiences with them short because we are too busy. How many times did your child say mom before you rudely said "What?" I'm as guilty as the next parent but what I'm trying to convey is that every second of every day that you get to spend with your loved ones is a gift. I don't think we begin to understand this until we know what & who we are. I've began to understand the importance of loving who God created me to be. I'm currently reading a book by Paula Rinehart called "Strong Women,soft hearts" in it she says The more completely we belong to Christ, the more of our real selves we become. I LOVE that statement & am finding it to be true. I've noticed that as I have retrained my brain to receive & accept the unlimited supply of the love & grace of God that my passions for life are shining brighter than before. I'm filtering through & making stacks one for non-important & one for extremely important! The cloudy picture is starting to become clearer. What I've been put on this earth for is starting to make since. One of the most beautiful things about life is that God gave each one of us different personalities, quirks, passions,and dreams. He created me with a list of favorites, things He knew that would especially wow me when I encountered them like the mountains, the sound of rain, the vibrant colors of the flowers in the spring, the fresh fallen snow. I guess what's changed the last several years is my ability to quiet my heart & stop to breath in the fresh air & be aware of Who gave it to me. To acknowledge the Lord throughout every day & thank Him for life. Life is absolutely something I am grateful for & far be it from me to be given this gift of life and take one second for granted. xoxoxo, Katie

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